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E-Mails, Updates, and Band Notes

BVN Band utilizes BoosterHub and Synergy to send out weekly updates and announcements.  Please be sure to carefully look through the Band Notes each week.  Be sure that you have registered your email with BoosterHub.

Band E-mail Lists
App User


In order to send quick updates and information to our students' and parents' mobile devices, we utilize the BAND App.  We generally use this app for quicker communication to students and parents.  This includes marching band schedules, event information, location or time changes, assignment reminders, sign up forms, etc.  We do also include our weekly Band Notes and have our calendar linked to the app.  


Please use your favorite App Store to search for the 'BAND App' and download the app, then search for Blue Valley North Mustang Bands to add yourself to the class (out of safety for our students and staff, please include both your First & Last name when joining a Band App page)

Band App
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