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BVN Band Notes - Week of Dec 2 to Dec 8

Hen House Grocery Bagging

Thank you to all of those who bagged groceries at Hen House this past week!

We have one more set of shifts to do later this month just after finals. Don't forget there are prizes!

Upcoming Concert - Concert Black

The BVN Band December Concert is coming up on December 11th!

A reminder to all performers to make sure you have your CONCERT BLACK PROFESSIONAL CONCERT DRESS clothing ready to go! Our goal is to look uniform and classy without drawing attention to our dress so that the music remains the focus for us and the audience. Remember that improper attire will result in NOT performing and/or losing performance points. Check your closets and/or go shopping NOW!

  • Footwear: Solid Black Shoes & Solid Black Socks (no extra colors, stripes, or logos, please)

  • Lower Body: Solid Black Pants/Slacks or Long Dress (no jeans or leggings, and no extra colors, stripes, or logos, please)

  • Upper Body: Solid Black Shirt/Blouse (no extra colors, stripes, or logos, please)

  • Solid Black Jackets and/or Solid Black Ties are completely optional.

  • Light/Subtle/Non-Distracting Jewelry is also acceptable.

Upcoming Concert - Post-Concert Reception

Speaking of our upcoming concert, we need your help for a refreshments reception following the performance!


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